Chinese Teapots

♠ Posted by Unknown in ,,, at 13:50
Well, in my first post I wanted to write an article about giant Chinese Teapots. This may seem pretty weird but I am geek about it and as everybody knows 'The more you get into it, the more complicated (and surely interesting) it becomes”. In a polish proverb it sounds a little bit different: 'Im glebiej w las, tym wiecej drzew' ('The deeper you go into the forest, the more trees you'll come across').


How big is your teapot ?

Let's start!
I'd like to show you something strange. It's not only an extraordinary building, which is the word's biggest teapot museum, but also <I'd say> a 'hot spot' for Chinese leadership.
First of all, take a look where it's located.

MAITAN - It's a place where you can find the Teapot-Shaped Museum of Tea Culture. This county is known as 'hometown of Chinese green tea'. The reason is obvious, so why? The building is 73.8 meters in height and featuring a floor area of over 5,000 square meters.

Teapot in Maitan

  BTW... according the legend, tea was born in China a long time ago (to be accurate: in 2737 BC), when some leaves from a tea bush blew into a pot of hot water that was being boiled for the Chinese emperor Shen Nung.

The next building shaped like a purple clay teapot is being built in Wuxi (East China's Jiangsu province). It's an art exhibition center and architecture landmark. The huge teapot building is as high as a 10 story building. This exhibition center on the border of the Yangtze River and Taihu Lake was designed to reference local customs. Inside you can find clay articles which came from the Eastern province of Jiangsu. This 38.8 meter high structure is made of aluminum sheets and panels glazed with stained glass. Personally I love this round circle on the top of the teapot.
Compered to the first this one is modern and catchy while the previous is just ugly.

The best teapot ever - Wuxi

But nowadays not everyone fancies modern architecture. The Chinese leadership has called for less 'weird architecture' to be build in the country. Even president Xi Jinping spoke at a symposium about the disadvantages of structures in China's skyline. Comments posted on social media and news were enough to spark widespread debate about it. So, a question appears: Is it the end of Chinese modern architecture? And why?

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